Truly authentic? An audio walk through the center of Potsdam

0 0 Reviews
133 Mins

Listing Overview

What exactly is authenticity? Discover the surprising diversity of authenticity at 15 locations in downtown Potsdam. The audio walk takes you to buildings, squares, and streets that are often touted as authentic. We, historians from the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam, ask: Truly authentic? What does this designation mean, who uses it, and why does authenticity pique our curiosity? A project of the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History in Potsdam, funded by the Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past." Narrated by Anne Schirmacher and Michel Diercks, with texts by Anja Tack, Achim Saupe, Josephine Eckert, Frank Bösch, and Hanno Hochmuth. Edited by Anja Tack and Achim Saupe. Sound and direction by Audiokombinat, with music by Jacke Schwarz. Produced by Audiokombinat, 2022. We thank the following for their advice, editing, and support: Kai-Britt Albrecht, Christine Bartlitz, Paula Dahl, Stefanie Eisenhuth, Josephine Eckert, Janaina Ferreira dos Santos, Julie Gregson, Dominik Juhnke, Carla Seybold, Anna Maria Weber, Peter Weiß, Irmgard Zündorf. Photos: ZZF Potsdam, 2022 (Photos: Carolin Kulling, Anna Maria Weber), City of Potsdam, Department of Urban Planning, Urban Development Documentation (Photo of Seerose: Interflug, 1987, Photo of Minsk: unknown, around 1980), Potsdam Museum – Forum for Art and History (Photos: Peter-Michael Bauers, Herbert Dörries, Vera Futterlieb, Judith Granzow (2022), Elke Hübener-Lipkau, Friedrich Mielke, Werner Taag). Funded by: Leibniz Research Alliance Historical Authenticity / Value of the Past, HERA - Humanities in the European Research Area.


Truly authentic? An audio walk through the center of Potsdam 0 reviews

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About the Guide

133 Mins
16 Stops
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