The Stork Educational Trail Uehlfeld

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32 Mins

Listing Overview

Uehlfeld is known for its storks. Few other wild bird species have formed such a close bond with humans as the white stork. "Master Adebar" is a harbinger of spring, a bringer of good luck, and a wise advisor in numerous fairy tales and fables. However, this large wading bird, which was ubiquitous just a few decades ago, is now among the endangered species. Long-term survival is only assured if there are habitats where storks can independently thrive. The Uehlfeld Stork Educational Trail aims to bring visitors closer to "Father Stork": his identifying features, his way of life, and his impressive achievements during the annual migration to the south. The 7.5-kilometer-long Stork Educational Trail provides information about these birds, which are particularly common in this region, their identifying features, and their way of life. Information boards along the trail present these topics to walkers. Depending on their pace, interested visitors should plan for two to three hours of walking time.


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32 Mins
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