toposonie::angel basin

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49 Mins

Listing Overview

Binaural Sound Walk (with historical photos) by Georg Klein. Please use headphones. The audio guide takes you to 12 stations along the former Luisenstädtischer Canal, from Oranienplatz to St. Thomas Church in Berlin. In collaboration with Deutschlandfunk Kultur, this walk offers a journey through various time zones of the past 150 years. The Engelbecken and the Luisenstädtischer Canal between Kreuzberg and Mitte have an extremely eventful past. Opened during the Imperial era, filled in during the Weimar Republic, transformed into a garden, filled with concrete again as part of the Berlin Wall, and today a popular spot for city strollers, both bodies of water have witnessed turbulent events in the history of Germany and Berlin. Sound and media artist Georg Klein, who has known the area since 1987, uncovers the different layers, brings long-forgotten voices from radio archives to life, and weaves them with his own memories. Through a special recording technique, these voices are projected into the space to create a disconcerting interplay of time and space.


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About the Guide

49 Mins
12 Stops
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