Ritterhude during the Nazi era

0 0 Reviews
14 Mins

Listing Overview

This audio guide was created during history class at Riesschule in Ritterhude and is primarily aimed at 9th and 10th-grade students. However, we are pleased if other history enthusiasts also use our audio guide. The characters depicted are fictional and do not correspond to reality. The audio guide was designed and conceptualized by Matteo B. as a local expert, along with Anna-Lena R., Vivien H., Jenny H., and Niklas V. We extend our heartfelt thanks for the friendly and informative support from the Ritterhude City Library, the Osterholz District Archive, the OHZ District Media Center, Bianca Kühn from the multimedia mobile of the Lower Saxony State Media Authority, Ms. Milthaler, and Mr. Fitzer.


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14 Mins
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