Munich as the Capital of the Nazi Movement – Rise, Resistance, Fall

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20 Mins

Listing Overview

We chose the Nazi era as the theme for our audio guide because it is a significant part of Munich's history and still has a major impact on the city and our society today. The guide not only offers a wide range of sights, as Hitler had his headquarters in Munich, but also many sources of information outside the internet. These come from scholarly writings in the State Library and the NS Documentation Center, which specifically reports on this period in Germany. This audio guide is perfect for 9th-grade high school students, as the curriculum covers the Nazi era in history class and includes a mandatory visit to the Dachau concentration camp. Our app with the audio guide is intended to complement the lessons and delve deeper into some topics that are only superficially covered. Follow the route and listen to the respective audio file at each station. You will find the quiz questions under each station. Enjoy! - Alexandra Neumayer, Amina Cujnik


Munich as the Capital of the Nazi Movement – Rise, Resistance, Fall 0 reviews

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20 Mins
7 Stops
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