memorial listening – audio walk

0 0 Reviews
33 Mins

Listing Overview

A 30-minute audio walk through the Buchenwald Memorial, called "mahnmalhören," was developed by media designer Dunja Funke. This audiovisual tour keeps visitors of the memorial moving for about 30 minutes. For weeks, Funke worked as an audiographer both on-site and in the studio to capture the sounds around the bell tower and to explore additional acoustic perceptions of the area.

Her tour runs counter to the original official route conceived by the memorial's builders in the 1950s. Instead of descending the Stelenweg to the Straße der Nationen, passing by the ring graves, and then ascending back to the bell tower, Funke starts at the memorial tower and the sculpture by Fritz Cremer, ending at the newly designed row graves from the 1990s. This new direction is not a blatant reversal of the original memorial concept. Rather, the author follows the intuitive behavior of many visitors who often choose this path and develops her own coherent narrative.

"mahnmalhören" consists of a continuous 33-minute audio file. Listeners are invited to be guided continuously from the starting point. The points marked on the map serve merely as orientation for the route and cannot be selected individually.


memorial listening – audio walk 0 reviews

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33 Mins
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