Follow the Rabbit

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36 Mins

Listing Overview

We turn the city into Wonderland, and you are right in the middle of it. Together with the White Rabbit, we explore the western part of Leipzig on a multimedia audio walk. Here, the neighborhood tells stories, the city becomes a stage, and its residents become characters in a race against time. Today, the world feels more like Wonderland than ever. Time briefly stood still for all of us, on the streets and in our homes – but then suddenly, a rabbit appears, in quite a hurry. The city's pulse is back, and we chase after the little rodent. On our journey through Lindenau, we encounter strange beings, talking animals, children, and adults who also get to voice their opinions. Whether we can solve the mystery of time, you’ll have to see and hear for yourself.

As part of this project, twelve children aged 8 to 13 planned and designed their own theatrical-digital project in the urban space. This resulted in an audiovisual walk with installations in public areas. On their journey, the children collected treasures from the streets and gave them new life as costumes and props.

Suitable for people aged 8 and up, accompanied by an adult. You are responsible for your own safety in traffic. Start: at KrimZkrams on Georg-Schwarz-Str. 7, End: Theater der Jungen Welt Leipzig, Duration: approx. 1 hour.

The project "Follow the Rabbit" takes place at the Theater der Jungen Welt in cooperation with Tüpfelhausen e.V. and KunZstoffe – urbane Ideenwerkstatt e.V. It is funded by Wege ins Theater, a project of ASSITEJ as part of the "Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung" program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


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36 Mins
9 Stops
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