Abtnaundorf Park & Parthenaue

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79 Mins

Listing Overview

One of the most delightful walks we can take from Leipzig is undoubtedly a trip to the tranquil village of Abtnaundorf. The village has carefully preserved its rural character, avoiding any contact or blending with the nearby big city. Located in the Parthenaue, the Abtnaundorf Park combines wild natural areas with garden artistry. This diversity of the place reveals itself especially during a walk through the floodplain landscape. This landscape is framed on both sides by a "metropolitan-rural" settlement. Here, you can observe glimpses of garden history as well as the conflict between monument preservation, nature conservation, and recreation, along with the not always fortunate handling of historical and modern art. From the banking family Frege to the butterfly species Ameisenbläuling, expert discussions, brief anecdotes, and poetry provide a multifaceted insight into this special place along the Parthe River.


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79 Mins
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