A city, many worlds of life – Tour around Cologne Central Station – Neighborhood explorations by and with visually impaired people

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23 Mins

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The picture shows Jan-Christopher and his mother, both standing with Gabi, who is holding her Cavalier King Charles puppy Maggie in a carrying basket, at the steps and switchbacks that lead from the Domplatte at Heinrich-Böll-Platz down to the Rhine. Maggie is looking out of her basket into the camera. Behind them, you can see the beginning of the Hohenzollern Bridge near the main train station.

About the audio walk: "One City, Many Worlds - Neighborhood Explorations by and with Visually Impaired People." In this project, adventurous visually impaired or blind residents of Cologne, or people with a connection to Cologne, explore public spaces. They create audio walks that invite others to follow and discover, sharing their perspectives on the city and human interactions within it. In this episode of the audio walk, recorded on June 25, 2022, we take you on a tour around Cologne's main train station from the viewpoint of a visually impaired wheelchair user, our project participant Jan-Christopher. He traveled by train from Münster, accompanied by his mother, who also shares her perspective on the route. Editorial lead for this audio walk: Gabi Linde (Stadt-Erleben Kollektiv), Technical lead: David Borens (tvist Medienproduktion GmbH - Communication for Changemakers). Conducted by the Stadt-Erleben Kollektiv Köln. Funded by the Fonds Soziokultur e.V. and the Herbert Funke Foundation. More about the project at: https://vielelebenswelten.wordpress.com/.


A city, many worlds of life – Tour around Cologne Central Station – Neighborhood explorations by and with visually impaired people 0 reviews

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23 Mins
7 Stops
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