SEARCH FOR CLUES – Rode or Mudaripe love Purengo

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119 Mins

Listing Overview

This audio walk commemorates the persecution and extermination of the Romani and Sinti people during National Socialism and World War II in Europe. More than 500,000 Romani and Sinti were murdered; they were persecuted in their daily lives and forced to perform labor in camps and factories. Many fell victim to everyday violence, hunger, and disease. They were subjected to a racist policy of persecution, which for many ended in murder in extermination camps.

This crime is also part of Dresden's city history. The audio walk is the beginning of a search for traces of the persecution and resistance of the Romani and Sinti people between 1933 and 1945. There are various names for the genocide of the European Sinti and Romani during the National Socialist era. Some call this genocide Porajmos, which means "devouring" or "destruction" in Romani. Others refer to it as Kali Trash, meaning "black fear," or Samudaripen, meaning "mass killing." In 2015, the European Parliament declared August 2nd as the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti. On this day, we remember the last 4,300 Sinti and Romani in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, who were murdered by the SS in 1944 despite fierce resistance.


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About the Guide

119 Mins
6 Stops
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