post-colonial search for traces in Freiburg

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75 Mins

Listing Overview

The audio guide highlights both visible and invisible colonial traces in Freiburg's cityscape. For decades, colonial activities took place in Freiburg, whether in research, exhibitions, "ethnological shows," colonial goods stores, speeches, or cultural and political events. The audio guide from takes you to the sites of these events and sheds light on how colonialism has influenced the thinking in this city.

References to the colonial history of well-visited places are largely absent in today's cityscape, whether in the university buildings, the museum, or the city garden. The colonial connections of Freiburg's street names are also not obvious. Hundreds of people pass daily by University Square, where the Colonial Oak was planted, or the building where skulls from overseas were collected.

The freiburg-postkolonial audio guide commemorates colonial events and stories. It also questions the interconnections between past and present, between local everyday life and today's view of distant and foreign lands. The individual stations of the audio guide explore how colonial and colonial-revisionist movements have shaped the thinking in this city to this day.


post-colonial search for traces in Freiburg 0 reviews

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75 Mins
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