Desired Paths Braunschweig

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26 Mins

Listing Overview

"DESIRED PATHS BRAUNSCHWEIG" is an audio walk in podcast format that guides listeners through an auditory map of selected Nazi-era sites in the city of Braunschweig, inviting them to a participatory experience with a shift in perspective. The audio walk connects past and present by showcasing the same historical locations from back then, which are now used for different purposes. This creates an audio walk as an intermediary space between two time windows, complementing the still visually visible historical evidence with auditory elements to capture what is no longer visible to the eye. This connection between yesterday and today allows participants to better relate to historical events.

Given the extensive legacy from the Nazi era, this work is not yet complete, and additional audio stations are already being planned and will be integrated into the interactive sound walk soon. The audio walk is suitable for independent exploration at one's own pace and can be started or stopped at any time, allowing for desired breaks without any issues. The audio walk can also be done as a bike tour. For people who need or prefer different mobility options, all audio stations are also accessible by public transport or car. The audio walk is available in German.

A smartphone with a mobile internet connection is required to play the audio stations. Alternatively, the stations can be downloaded in advance via Wi-Fi. Since some of the audio stations are located on busy streets, we recommend playing the audio through headphones. Along the route, there are some seating areas and shopping opportunities. However, we still recommend bringing enough provisions in advance.

We wish you an interesting audio walk.


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About the Guide

26 Mins
7 Stops
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