Historical Walks Schöneiche – The Former Estate Village

0 0 Reviews
24 Mins

Listing Overview

Thank you for accessing this audio guide by the Schöneiche local historians. You can start the audio tour in your smartphone's browser by activating the "Start Tour" button at the end of this introductory text. Depending on your browser, you will then see either a geographical overview with all the tour stops or the first stop of the tour with images and audio. You can switch between these views as needed.

To ensure you are at the correct tour stop, activate the GPS location symbol in the geographical overview by clicking the circle below the plus-minus buttons on the right side of the screen. The blue dot on the map will show you your current location.

If you want to follow the tour offline on your smartphone, you can download the free GUITEMATE app by clicking the download arrow in the top right corner. Within this app, you can load the tour for offline use and explore additional tours in the area. The app also offers an "Automatic Playback" feature, which guides you to the stops and automatically starts the narrated texts when you are near the relevant location.

Enjoy and gain fascinating insights into the eventful history of Schöneiche!


Historical Walks Schöneiche – The Former Estate Village 0 reviews

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About the Guide

24 Mins
9 Stops
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